moving to a dorm

Moving to a dorm - how to make it a smooth experience

The student moving process can be difficult, especially for those who are moving into a dorm for the very first time. Moving in August is also challenging, as it is one of the warmest months of the year. Fortunately, there are a number of Boston moving companies who are able to help with the process.

Let’s take a closer look at all of the things that you should be aware of prior to contacting Boston moving companies. When you are in the process of moving into a dorm, these are the most important tips for you to consider.


Don’t wait until classes are about to start before finding out all of the information about your dorm. There are a few critical pieces of information that students should be aware of and the sooner you collect this data, the better you will be. For starters, you are going to need to know your dorm’s move in date, as well as the address where it is located, so that you can plan your move with Boston moving companies beforehand.

Knowing where your moving vehicles can be parked on the big day is also pivotal, since you will want to place yourself and your belongings as close to the dorm as possible. Scheduling a visit so that you can find out more about the layout of the dorm and the amount of space you have at your disposal is key. Find out what items your dorm room already has included, so that you can reduce your packing workload. If you’ll be living with a roommate, obtain their contact info so you are not bringing the same items.


Once you’ve collected all of the necessary information and you know exactly what you need, the time has come to create a master list, so that you are not forgetting anything. Starting school with missing items is no fun and if you need help getting started, there are a number of sites online that offer browsers the chance to download a free dorm room checklist, so they can check off all the necessary boxes.

In addition to the obvious items like clothing and hangers, you’ll also need to beware of the items that are most commonly forgotten, such as your personal documents (i.e. passport, driver’s license and birth certificate). Take the time to think about the amount of clothing that you are going to need to get you through the semester and bear in mind that you are going to be doing your own laundry, so don’t pack too much.


Barring some sort of bizarre happenstance, you will be sharing your dorm room with at least one other person, if not more. Being able to coordinate all of the items that you need so that each roommate can pack accordingly is pivotal. You’ll want to get off on the right foot before moving to a dorm, so take the time to talk to your roommate first and find out what items you need to bring and what items they will be bringing.

If there are items that can be shared between roommates, knowing about them ahead of time makes a world of difference, since it allows both parties to pack more lightly. It also makes the job of Boston moving companies much simpler. There is no need for two televisions in the same room or even two ironing boards. Coordinating the setup of your dorm with your roommate or roommates during the summer is a great way to make the packing process easier for all parties involved.


There is no reason why you should wait until the very last minute to start the packing process. A student moving to a dorm can begin packing during the beginning of summer. Moving to a dorm means moving in August and since you won’t be needing your fall and winter clothes during the summer months, they can be packed away for your big move as quickly as possible.

If you’d like to significantly reduce the amount of undue stress placed on yourself and the Boston moving companies that are tasked with helping you, pack in a strategically sound way. Use smaller boxes that can be placed inside of larger ones, roll up your clothes instead of folding them so that they take up less room and include all of the packing materials you’re using in your dorm moving plans, so that they can be re-used when it is time to move out.


Those who are feeling overwhelmed about the moving process can always rely on Boston moving companies to provide them with assistance that they need. They are able to plan the move with you, ask any questions about items that you might have forgotten and offer helpful tips and pointers that you may have previously failed to consider (such as the importance of bringing plenty of bottled water to beat the August heat).

Boston moving companies serve as your sounding board throughout the process, so you can ask all of the questions you need to know more about. Their experience and know how is invaluable during an experience of this nature, especially for first year students who have never been through the process of moving to a dorm or moving in August.